Treyarch’s Jimmy Zelinski, creative lead for Zombies, answers a few questions about Rezurrection in an email interview with OneOfSwords. He asked Jimmy for details on a few of the things we’ve heard will be in this pack, and…see what you make of his answers for yourself:
1oS: Will we learn any new tidbits of backstory from Moon? We already know Der Riese is where they come from, but is there more to tell? JIMMY ZELINSKI: If your question is to ask me if our zombies are from Der Riese, this would be a good opportunity to re-explore the WAW maps to search for further clues as to the truth behind the origins of the zombies. As to Moon specifically, of course there will be clues to the past and other story elements, but don’t be surprised to discover a few hints as to what may be coming in the future.
1oS: What’s a "phasing Zombie?” JZ: I don’t know. Where have you seen a phasing zombie? Who have you been talking to? What’s this word "phasing” you’re using…?
1oS: How does the Quantum Entanglement Device work? JZ: The answer to what the QED can do can be found in the research of Einstein, Kaluza, Plancke and Klein. That would suggest the possibilities are limitless. Get in the game, throw it out there, and see what it will do FOR YOU.
1oS: Are there other new weapons this time around? Any new gameplay mechanics? JZ: This game mode is all about discovery. Whether our characters discover new weapons in the various places they visit is dependent on where they go. Same can be said for gameplay mechanics — the location dictates how you play. Ever been to the moon?
1oS: Why is Rezurrection misspelled? Is there significance to that? JZ: You never know where hints and Easter eggs may appear in Zombies. What looks like a typo may be a typo…but it might also be the hidden truth behind everything.
1oS: What’s your weapon of choice for the inevitable zombie apocalypse? JZ: A high capacity, accurate, high caliber, and high rate of fire weapon. That’s what I would choose.
There is a new wonder weapon being thrown into the mix for the DLC Rezurrection. This new weapon is called the Wave Gun. The weapon is said to be able to cook zombies from the inside out! Here is a picture of the new wonder weapon’s design.
The four "remastered" maps were previously included with the Hardened and Prestige releases -- if you already have one of those, the rest of this content will be free. Otherwise, it's the standard 1200 MS Points/$15. It'll be easy to acquire, too, according to One of Swords: " the short version is you'll be able to go into your Download History and re-download the classic pack you already own, and the fresh download will include the new Moon map. And you'll also get the soundtrack and theme, too."
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